Bathing The best treatment to prepare your feet for further pleasure is to bath them. 
  • Put 2 tablespoons of kitchen salt into a bowl of hot water and urine the foot for approx 10 min. Salt will soften the skin of your feet and remove fatigue. You can also add 8-10 drops of essential oil (e.g. rosemary, mint).
  • Regenerative bath for better circulation: put 5 glasses of water into the high pot and add approx. 7 spoonfuls of dried field horsetail. Boil and leave to cook for approx 2 hours. Then drain the infusion and boil again, adding cold water.
  • Neutralising refreshing bath: unpleasant smell of sweat: place sage leaves in a glass to make ¼, top up with boiling water and a spoon of salt. Brew for approx 12 min. Put the whole into the basin with warm water and soak the feet. 
  • After bathing, the skin is well softened that you can remove the epidermis using a file. 
  • If your feet are already smooth, moisten them with the right foot cream. You can also give them a massage.